Downloading mania never ends......

In the past 12 months the download statistics never went below an almost incredible average of 8.500 Mp3 (=approx. 32 Gigabytes) a month.

If I only had 10 cents per downloaded file, I would be a rich man...... Keep on downloading as much as possible, and spread the medicine.

But - sometimes - please don't forget to purchase a few cds as well, or I'll end up in a big hole filled with *hit, and I won't be able to release anything new.... ehehe...

Which is the EIBON best seller so far you ask ?
The answer is quite simple, and the chart looks like this:

Gold medal: CANAAN "A calling to weakness"
Silver medal ex aequo: CANAAN "Blue fire" & ESOTERIC "Metamorphogenesis"
Bronze medal: CANAAN "Walk into my open womb"

A bit monothematic, perhaps.....